Five Important Services Notaries Provide Beside Notarization

Mobile notaries provide other valuable services besides notarization.

Rodney Fife

3/15/20221 min read

Mobile notaries provide other valuable services beyond their signature and their stamps. Due to the screening, they receive from the State and other licensing boards they are known to be trusted. Most are licensed and bonded. Below you will find just five of many other services you may find helpful.

  1. Secure Courier: Many notaries will deliver your document package for a small fee. The benefit of using a licensed, bonded and insured notary is that you can have the peace of mind that your documents will remain in safe hands and away from prying hands. This will also give you a chain of custody for especially sensitive documents. Many times this service could be performed on the same business day.

  2. DMV Services: Who really wants to wait in line at the DMV for hours on end. Some notaries like Elite Mobile Pros will process the paperwork and alleviate you from having to stand in the never moving line. We are sure you have far more important things to wait for your number to be called.

  3. Permit Runners: Those who are renovating a home or are general contractors know how frustrating running to city hall or the building inspector's office can be. Especially if you do not have the paperwork in the proper order. Save time by hiring a mobile notary to process the permit for you. You will save time and be able to get the project moving forward.

  4. Fingerprinting & Passport photos: Some notaries will fingerprint and submit the documents to the required agency. If you need to have a passport photo some notaries will also take a photo and printed it out for you. You may also save time by having them deliver your application for you as well.

  5. Business Inspections: Since all notaries are background-checked and licensed they make for a great inspector to check out a location and gather information. In addition, they are usually pretty good about writing up a detailed report. Some notaries will also do insurance inspections on damaged vehicles.

If you need any of these services performed in the Las Vegas Metro are contact Elite Mobile Pros and our team would love to help you.